Direction: Gretchen Schiller – Deputy direction: Grazia Giacco, Catherine Milkovitch-Rioux

Administrative management: Virginie Meunier and the Federative Research Structure Creation team, Université Grenoble Alpes at the MaCI

The RESCAM inter-university Creation, Arts and Media Network of doctoral schools is governed by an agreement between 20 French universities.


  Gretchen SCHILLER

Choreographer and Professor in (UMR) Litt & Arts, Gretchen Schiller is responsible for the Performing Arts program of the Master in Artistic Creation at the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA). She is director of the Federative Research Structure Creation within Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation. She was the principal investigator of the IDEX project CDP Performance Laboratory (2018-2021) bringing together researchers in performing arts, geography, and computer science to conduct innovative research in the areas of performance, digital documentation, tools for reading the body in motion, and tangible and intangible heritage. She is currently co-directing the CDTools Performance Laboratory (2022-2024), which aims to continue the Performance Laboratory’s research on how to better capture and articulate the human body in the performance of ordinary and extraordinary actions in everyday life, in artistic expressions and in sports activities. She is also responsible for the thematic program of training in creative research, REACH, of the UGA graduate school (GS@UGA), which offers an unprecedented disciplinary approach between the arts, history, literature and languages for students from the master’s level up. Graduate with an M.A. in choreography from UCLA (USA), she studied videodance in the Visual Arts department of MIT in Cambridge (USA), before beginning her PhD in the Science Technology and Art Research program at the University of Plymouth (UK). Her choreographic research addresses the theoretical and practical issues of gesture migration, geo-gestures, as well as the body’s memory of both the dancers and the audience. Her scientific production takes the form of videodance, interactive staging and writings.

  Grazia GIACCO

Grazia Giacco is a musician, musicologist and HDR teacher-researcher in music and musicology at the University of Strasbourg (INSPÉ). She also teaches since 2017 at the Higher Academy of Music of the HEAR (Haute école des arts du Rhin). Her research focuses on research-creation, analysis and aesthetics of 20th and 21st century music, and on the pedagogy of artistic creation. A member of UR 3402 ACCRA (Contemporary Approaches to Artistic Reflection and Creation), she has been coordinator since 2018 of Axis 1 (“The Factory of the Arts”) and of the research group “Research-creation and didactic methodologies in the arts and technology.” She will continue the work of this group for the next five years (“Research-creation in arts and design. Epistemologies, methodologies, didactic approaches”). She is a co-founder and member of CREAT (Creation, Research, Teaching in the Arts and Technology), an interdisciplinary research laboratory of the Haute École Pédagogique, HEP Vaud (Lausanne). She co-directs the collection “CREArTe” (EME éditions, Louvain-la-Neuve), dedicated to research conducted in and through the practice of arts and technology. Deputy director and then director of the ED 520 des Humanités (2018-2021, University of Strasbourg), she contributed to the development of a collective reflection on theses in research-creation. A member of several thesis and HDR juries, she currently directs four theses, including one in “Musical Interpretation and Creation”, in partnership with the HEAR in Strasbourg. Since January 2022, she has been a member of the scientific committee of the “Recherche-création” collection published by Hermann, directed by Marie Bourjea (PR in modern and contemporary French literature at the Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier).


Catherine Milkovitch-RiouxCatherine Milkovitch-Rioux is a teacher-researcher in contemporary French literature (9th section CNU) at the University of Clermont Auvergne. She has always associated her teaching and research with artistic practices developed within the Service Université Culture (SUC), which she joined in 1996 through writing workshops. As a lecturer and then professor, she was successively responsible for the Reading-Writing sector, deputy director and then director of the SUC, participating in the integration of artistic practice workshops into the university curriculum. She has supervised writing workshops and since 1997 has directed the creative writing journal Terres d’encre, which was conceived in collaboration with the writer Patrick Chamoiseau. As a member of the CELIS research laboratory, where she is co-director of the Atelier Recherche Création (ARC), she has participated in the design of research projects that systematically combine literary theory and artistic practices.

Today, she is the designer and co-director of the L-Créa master’s program (literature and creation) at the University of Clermont Auvergne. She has initiated international partnerships with universities, particularly in North America, which are pioneers in “creative writing” (such as the University of Laval), participates in thesis and HDR juries in research-creation, and has committed the LSHS doctoral school to integrating a mention of literary creation. She is also an associate researcher at the CNRS, at the Institut d’histoire du temps présent (Ihtp), Aubervilliers.