SFR Creation/Arts in the Alps/UGA launches a series of interdisciplinary meetings within the frame of the SHARE project – Science humanities, art, research, experimentation.
SHARE project
Destined to researchers and doctoral students who are interested in practices in research in creation, SHARE provides a framework for:
- crossing various research approaches and methods;
- sharing feedback about practices in research creation;
- discussing current research activities.
Quarterly meetings (through webinars and/or physically), aim to:
- encourage dialogue among the members of various scientific communities, doctoral students and artists;
- contribute to the emergence of new projects and to the development of new methods and approaches linked to research in creation.
The programme of the first SHARE meeting includes:
- A presentation of the project
- Anne Cayuela’s contribution. She will be speaking of her own experience in research-creation within the context of the project entitled: Sabbath of our loneliness. Narrated, sung and danced performance.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you share their experiences in research creation.