The summer school will be held as an in-person event in Rennes, France on 20th-23rd June 2023. The full 4-day, in-person programme will be announced shortly. This particular Call for Papers is for the conference day on Monday 20th June.


The full summer school is open to all CAPS international partners, as well as Masters and PhD students. It is also open to both academic and non-academic partners in Rennes.

The event is co-organised by the Graduate School for Creative Approaches to Public Space and Dr. Eva Urban-Devereux, our current visiting professor from Queen’s University Belfast.

There are two separate CFPs :

  • June 20, 2023 : researchers and academic staff
  • June 22 and 23, 2023 : doctoral students

Any interested participants wishing to deliver a paper for this particular conference (June 20th) should send their proposals on relevant themes (cf. full CFP in attachment) in English to and by 15th April 2023.

To download :

CAPS CFP Attention Please June 2023 Program

CAPS CFP Attention Please June 20 2023 Poster